Subject: VirusChecker II By Alex van Niel - Kickstart 2.0 or higher Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:21 am
VirusChecker II By Alex van Niel Kickstart 2.0 or higher
VirusChecker II is a program that can be used on any Amiga that is running Workbench 2.04 or better. VirusChecker II is designed to hunt out Amiga viruses and kill them dead. It also scans memory on startup and checks all suspect vectors. It also checks certain memory locations every 2 seconds for infection. It is also possible to use Virus Checker online with a BBS to check incoming archives IMMEDIATELY. This can be done by using the Rexx port of Virus Checker II in combination with the extraction tool (ArcExtract) which in combination with the Archive Options feature can handle ANY archiver you desire.
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: All Amiga's with OS2.04 or higher reqtools.library v38.11 or higher xvs library v33.42 or higher xfdmaster.library v38.6 or higher